Newport, here I come!

"Disclaimer: I received free entry to the Rhode RacesNewport Half Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!"

I’m IN to run the 2018 Rhode Races Newport Half Marathon! I am so excited to add another race to my 2018 calendar. So what if it’s 2 weeks before my spring goal race in New Jersey? My training plan actually calls for me to run 13 miles that weekend (technically on Sunday, but whatever!) so once again I thought, why not earn some bling?  The Rhode Races Newport Half Marathon will be a good way for me to work out some kinks in my training and fueling strategies so nothing surprises me on race day and the end of April.

Not to mention, I absolutely LOVE Newport. I love it so much that I drive down from Cape Cod at least twice a year to get my haircut there. And sometimes I just drive down to head over to the huge historical mansions and imagine what it would be like to live there.

According to the race’s website: “Join us in the City-by-the-Sea for this stunning marathon, half marathon and 5k.  Newport Rhode Races kicks off Daffodil Days with the races starting from Easton’s Beach where nearly 100,000 daffodils will be in bloom. (We’ll call it Dash through the Daffodils!).” Can you say Instagram worthy?! I absolutely cannot wait for those pics.

I’m a little worried about the weather in early April, especially down by the water. It can be in the 70s or it can be 40. Who knows with New England weather?! After reading reviews on BibRave, I think it’s been a tad cold the past couple years, so we HAVE to have good weather this year, right? That’s how it works?

I promised myself I would never do race day packet pickup ever again, but I’m thinking about it for this race. Newport is a little over an hour from my house on Cape Cod. And the race starts at 7:45am. It means an early morning, but it might be worth it to just do race day pickup. I’m still going to research hotels and see what the best option is, but right now I’m leaning toward race day pickup.

I’m excited for this one! Newport, here I come!

-Happy Running!


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