I'm Back Baby!

Whoa. You know how life gets in the way sometimes and then everything else just sort of falls by the wayside? September, October, and November were CRAZY busy months for me! My head was literally spinning at times!

Let's recap, shall we? I:

  • Ran 3 races including a half marathon (Rock n' Roll Philly in September!) and 2 Thanksgiving 5k's
  • Went back at forth between Chicago and Boston 3 times
  • And oh yeah, went on the MOST EPIC Italian honeymoon EVER! 
St. Peter's Square. Wow. 

So yeah, it was a crazy few months. So I'm sorry I neglected you. And unfortunately, I neglected my running as well. I think after all was said and done after I ran my September race I ran maybe a total of 6 days in 2 months. Ouch. 

So here I am in December, thinking about my 2017 race schedule and how the HECK am I going to get back to where I once was?

Let me tell you, it hasn't been easy so far. Between the freezing temperatures (last year it was 60 degrees in December!) and my decreased motivation at times, I'm fighting an uphill battle. But, I'm fighting.  I have 3 races on my 2017 schedule so far and I am DETERMINED to put in 100%. I WILL do this! 

So here's where I need your help...keep me accountable! I'm trying my damnedest but I need someone to help me and tell me to MOVE MY ASS when they notice I'm getting a little toooo lazy! 

 I love you all! So happy to be back! 

What keeps you accountable?

-Happy Running! 


  1. Welcome back, Sara! Is there a running group that you can join or a friend that will meet up with you for weekly runs? I've found that I stay accountable when I have a planned meet with someone so we can get out there and hang out together (and run!).

    1. Thanks for the ideas Meridith! I actually plan on running with a coworker at the start of the new year (we might start training for a half together!) which will definitely get me out hte door!


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