Running Through It

This was a tough week for me. I would like to think that my half marathon training is right on pace, I'm doing all of the right things, and my runs would reflect that.

Things just did not go my way this week. My head wasn't in it, my heart wasn't really in it either if I'm truly honest with myself. I don't know if I was just spreading myself too thin by trying to work 2 jobs, plan my wedding, get ready for my upcoming trip to Chicago, and then try to train on top of that but I definitely felt far more fatigued this week than in past weeks.

Which led to little doubts creeping into my mind...Did I have the right training plan? Was I taking it too fast and upping my mileage too fast? Will I actually be able and ready to run a half marathon?

I thought I had been pretty smart with my mileage, increasing it by a mile or so every week. I've had 2 recovery weeks. What is going on with my legs?! I know it's normal to expect some leg fatigue when training, especially for a distance I've never done before. Before I started training the longest I'd ever run was 6 miles. And I did that once. Now I'm asking my body to double that and then some.

But I should be able to do it. I have to take a harder look at what's going on. Maybe it's my nutrition. It's no secret that I'm not the healthiest eater on the planet. I try to keep my food healthy, but I'll be the first to tell you that I love ice cream. I love carbs. I basically just love food. And I'm trying to put everything in moderation. So maybe my diet is partially to blame.

Maybe I really did just spread myself too thin this week. Work has been crazy, and then on top of it I'm working a per diem job to save money for the wedding. I've basically been working 6 days a week since March 2015. Which is tiring, but rewarding.

So basically, I've arrived at the conclusion that I don't know what's going on. I hope it's just that this week was a little crazy and my head wasn't truly in my training this week. I plan on refocusing and keeping my eye on my ultimate goal: Finishing my first half marathon. No matter what happened this past week, I CAN do it! I WILL DO IT!

-Happy Running!


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